Thursday, December 31, 2009

Yoga Monster Mat - Perfect for Bikram Yoga

This is the yoga mat you've been waiting for. Cushion your asanas more comfortably with these monster features:

  • Provides a thick, textured surface for extra stickiness and grip.

  • Double-sided traction for double the mat life.

  • Hand washable.

  • Extra long size: 24" x 72 Double thickness: 5/16" (6 mm) - for added comfort.

  • Available in cool colors: Purple, Olive, Yellow, Red, and Blue.
Yoga Monster mat is 140% thicker than standard mats, measuring 5/16" thickness and with more density. We wanted a mat that was longer than 68" so that we wouldn't have to adjust our position so often to stay on the mat such as having your face be on the mat during chattaranga rather than touching the studio floor. Yoga mat is 72 inches long which accommodates taller people as well. We also noticed that mats wear out in a couple of areas and on only one side of the mat, the textured side which is always facing up. Yoga Monster mat has a textured traction surface on both sides of the mat so both sides of the mat can be used thus lasting twice as long.Yoga mats are available in purple, blue, red, yellow, black.

This item is 20% below MSRP
, so be sure to buy today while supplies last!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yoga for Immunity

Author: Tamara C. Tangney, 12/16/09

We are living an era that is obsessed in “quick fixes” instead of making us responsible for our own health. For example: If we are depressed, take a pill instead of resolving the issue that is making us depressed is the more accepted way to go. There are many factors that weaken the immune system that flu shots and other vaccines can not resolve.
• Toxins in the environment and/or food (cars and processed foods mainly)
• SAD (Standard American Diet, which is a poor diet rich in processed foods)
• Excessive alcohol intake (Which is promoted by our society)
• Lack of exercise (Excessive screen time and our love for our cars)
• Stress (Our current economic situation is not helping with this!)
There is good news. We can take charge of our lives by strengthening our immune system. A strong immune system not only leads to less occurrences of illness, but also helps prevent more extreme manifestations of illness. A few of the ways that yoga positively impacts the immune system include:
• Stimulating the Lymph Nodes
• Improving circulation
• Improving oxygen flow, thus aiding the transfer of energy from nutrients to cells
• Improving the flow of the sinuses and flushing out mucous from the lungs
• Increasing lung capacity and mobility
• Massaging the internal organs
• Relaxing the nervous system

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakopatasana) and Eagle Pose (Garudasana) are both effective in charging up the Lymph System.
In Pigeon Pose, the pressure of the heel of the foot on the groin stimulates the lymph nodes to “release their juices”, thus cleansing them out and making them work more efficiently. Eagle Pose stimulates the lymph in the armpits and the groin as the arms and legs are crossed at the elbows and knees respectively.
Ujjayi Breathing promotes cleansing of the upper respiratory tract, increases lung capacity, lowers blood pressure and relaxes the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight).
Sun Salute A & B (Surya Namaskara A & B)
These two sequences create “heat” in your body by, increasing blood flow, oxygen flow, heart rate and muscle strength. They are energizing sequences that produce similar cardiovascular results as running with out the injuries. If you are new to yoga, try practicing Sun Salute A every day for one month. Once that is mastered, add Sun Salute B to receive the full immunological benefits of these sequences.
Cows Face Pose (Gomukasana) Stimulates the lymph nodes in the groin and armpits, increases lung capacity and mobility, massages internal organs and calms the nervous system (when bent forward). Bonus: Your body looks like a cow’s face when in the full pose!
Bow Pose is a backbend with extra benefits! Your upper and lower back muscles and chest is opened by grabbing your ankles and “pushing away” from your hands with your feet and legs. Your internal organs are massaged by rocking back and forth in the full posture.
Corpse Pose (Shavasana) is the most important pose in yoga. Honor your self by quieting your mind. Freeing your self from tension and stress for even a few minutes every day will increase your sense of self and give you power to fight off illnesses.